Bully Chapter 6 Save Game

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Savegame for Bully Scholarship Edition The game passed by 100%! – Complete all story missions – Complete all the secondary missions – 5 levels in all classes – Failed all 5 lessons – All gum (75shk) – All cards (45shk) – All the Elves (25sht) – All transistors (6 pieces) and take them to the homeless – 100 km on foot. Bully: Scholarship Edition Save GamesChapter 1/Chapter 2 All Classes CompletedChapter 1 Save Game Download Link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4X2X60C6Chap. The chapter begins with Jimmy walking with Dr. Crabblesnitch through. Bully: Scholarship Edition Save Games Chapter 1/Chapter 2 All Classes Completed Chapter 1 Save Game Download Link Chapter 2 Save Game Download Link Trainer Used in some of the clips No Virus's, Nothing that could harm you're Computer in any way. Bully: Scholarship Edition has 38 Achievements worth 1000 points. Achieve A High Score on Consumo, Nut Shots, and Monkey Fling Arcade Games. DOWN FOR THE COUNT. Complete Chapter 2.

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in Re: Just a Brazillian gu...
on February 28, 2021, 10:43:03 AM

Dean couldn't even look at him.

His heart pounded hard in his chest as he heard Roman ask him the question.

Does he kiss as good as me?

Fuck. It gave him goosebumps. Tiny prickles of spark lit up on Dean's arms and neck, igniting a fire he didn't need right now, in this dimly lit bathroom. His baby blues shined against the fluorescent lights in the room, and as Dean breathed, he could feel Roman's gaze on him. That same gaze that he turned away from just earlier today, the same one he couldn't stop thinking about even when he kissed another guy.

His adam's apple bobbed up slowly, then back down, as Dean finally got the courage to look him in the eye.


That was a mistake.

As their eyes connected, Dean's blues searched for something to say that didn't come off as angry at Roman as he really was right now. He spent the rest of the day trying to tell himself he was in the right for ending things between them, but now, looking at this man, all Dean could think about was the morning prior. Those soft kisses and whispers of how beautiful he was. His blue eyes closed for a second as he fought the memory of being called beautiful by someone he desired with his entire self, eating at him, like a leech suckling at soft flesh. He gulped slowly then he turned his gaze away from Roman, to look in the mirror.

'…Isn't that something you should be asking Nikki?' Dean spoke softly, as he looked at his own reflection. Diet coke courage surging him through his anger and jealousy. 'You know… your girlfriend?'

He didn't dare look at Roman as he taunted him. He knew if he took another look into those gray eyes he would get lost in them, and forget what he said earlier in the day. Dean's palms planted themselves on the sink, and he closed his eyes. He wanted to pretend he wasn't there, that Roman wasn't with him in the bathroom. That he could actually have a good date with Cesaro without things turning into utter shit.

Yeah, right.

He heard footsteps behind him, and when Dean opened his eyes he saw Roman looking at him through the mirror. Fuck. That look. That same look he gives Dean, right before Dean's being pressed up against the wall, moaning in his mouth. Dean gulped as he watched Roman step forward, and then very cautiously, he placed an arm around Dean from behind. Dean's breath hitched softly as he felt his cold hand slowly sneak its way underneath his batman tee shirt. He was pulled into Roman's warm embrace and just held there… for what seemed like ever.


If this is what it always felt like to be held by someone like Roman, Dean never wanted to be held by anyone else. His nose pressed gently against Dean's ear, softly nuzzled before Roman whispered:

'No one kisses as good as you,' Dean heard him say as he pressed himself into Dean's backside. Dean could feel his thickness right near his ass, and it made him bite his lip, and breathe softly as he felt Roman's lips near his neck. Dean couldn't help but to close his eyes. Roman's hands were all over in a span of seconds, caressing and squeezing Dean everywhere he could, while Dean fell against him, letting the jock attack his neck with soft kisses.


He felt so good.

Dean could feel himself giving into Roman, his hands, his touch, his kisses all were making Dean's resolve slowly fade away… but there was something in the back of Dean's mind that was telling him to stop this. His conscience called to him, weeping at him to see reason. To think about Cesaro who waiting for him just outside. Or even Roman's girlfriend who was out there too.

The thoughts were now eating at Dean more and more as his neck was peppered with kisses. He whimpered softly when Roman pulled him tight against him, making Dean's ass bounce against his clothed dick. Fucking hell. He moaned softly against him, causing Roman to smile against his neck. He felt those plump lips move up his neck towards his ear where it was softly licked, and whispered into with words Dean wanted to hear.

Oh god.

Dean shook his head; he couldn't do this. He had to stop this. His eyes fluttered open fast and once he looked at himself in the mirror he realized the mistake he had made. He stopped Roman's hand from cupping his dick, and slowly… he pushed him away.

'Stop it!' Dean whispered almost breathlessly at the jock, 'I told you Roman, you can't have me. Not like this.' Dean held his ground. He pulled his shirt back down and crossed his arms in front of him, 'What part of that didn't you understand?'

'I don't know!' Roman said back, now looking down at his sneakers. 'Maybe the part where you told me that we can't be together… knowing how I feel about you?' Roman took a step forward towards Dean, and softly pulled him back into his embrace. 'Or the part where you can't even look at me because you know you feel the same way.'

Dean turned his head away from him and shook his head, 'Roman… I can't do this. You can't just come feel me up in a bathroom and think everything is okay between us. I told you, until you figure out who you are we can't do… anything we were doing before.' He pulled Roman's hands off of him then started towards the door.

'What if I don't who I am without you?' Roman asked him, just as Dean was turning the rusted golden knob. He saw Dean stop, and then turn to look at him one last time. His blue eyes were a glass half full as his lip trembled just a bit.

'I just… can't. I'm sorry.' Dean mumbled, right before he gave Roman one last look… then exited the bathroom.


When Dean came back to Cesaro he saw that he took the liberty to order for the both of them. Dean hoped his eyes weren't red as he sat back down and snuggled into the Swiss jock's embrace.

'I brought us some cheese fries. Well… I brought you cheese fries. I can't eat carbs right now, cause we have a game next weekend. I hope that's okay,' Cesaro smiled as Dean curled protectively into his embrace. He hid his face in his neck while his pale hand grabbed at Cesaro's shirt for dear life. The Swiss man could sense there was something wrong but he didn't wanna pressure Dean into telling him. He looked over towards the bathrooms and noticed Reigns coming out, not five minutes after Dean did.

Shit. Cesaro thought.

Reigns must've been bullying Dean in the bathroom. Cesaro's mind went a mile a minute as he held Dean in his arms. If Reigns laid one hand on him while in that bathroom Cesaro was going to lose his fucking mind. He had to know what was going on. He didn't want to jump to conclusions without at least… seeing Dean's face.

'Dean…' Antonio whispered softly, 'Look at me.'

Dean didn't want to do this. He knew Cesaro would ask him why he was upset and he wasn't ready for that conversation. But he also didn't want to spend the rest of the night hiding in Cesaro's neck. So Dean made a choice.

He sighed against the warmness of Cesaro's skin then slowly, Dean lifted his head. Once he did, Cesaro got a glimpse of red eyes, puffy cheeks, and a sullen expression. He saw Cesaro's own eyes widened in anger and that's when Dean realized he was jumping to irresponsible conclusions. 'Tony… wait listen… it isn't what you-' Dean didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because Cesaro was now getting up, leaving the booth in search of one man…

And this wasn't going to end well.

Dean could hear him say a curse word in either French or German, he wasn't exactly sure since Antonio did speak at least five languages. He tried to pull on his arm, but he couldn't stop him as Cesaro stalked over to the lane Roman and his giggly girlfriend were in, and once they both got there, Antonio pushed a standing Roman straight to the ground, making the ball he had in his hand fly high into the air, then roll down the wrong lane.

Bully Chapter 6 Save Games

'You wanna pick on someone you punk!' Cesaro spewed as he stood over Roman, 'Why not pick on someone your own size?' He picked Roman up off the ground, gripping the collar of his shirt tight.

'WHAT THE FUCK!' Nikki, Roman's girlfriend screamed, 'Let him go!'

'Tony, please!' Dean yelled as well, trying to get Cesaro to calm down.

'C'mon you're a tough guy, right? Pick on me! I'm gay. I like cock, try to beat me up in a bathroom!' Cesaro yelled in his face.

'What the hell are you talking about?' Roman spat back, pushing the Swiss lacrosse player back off of his collar. 'I didn't beat up anyone you fucking idiot!' Roman gave Cesaro a hard push to his right shoulder, 'But if you want someone to fucking maul your ass right here and now we can fucking go!'

'Is that so?' Cesaro asked back, with a cocky, dangerous smile.

'Yeah! It fucking is, wanna try me?' The two men stood face to face now, snarling at each other as their head's bumped into each other needlessly. Nikki got in between them, and tried to pull Roman while Dean tried to pull Cesaro, but both stubborn men weren't moving.

'Excuse me!' Security eventually showed up, and causing all four people to look over. 'You guys are being asked by staff to leave. Now. If not, we will be forced to escort you out.'

Cesaro and Roman eventually pulled apart, with a shove from either man and that's when Cesaro flipped him the bird and walked off. Roman was being held back by Nikki, and once his eyes left Cesaro's he saw Dean looking at him apologetically. He saw Dean trying to mouth an, 'I'm sorry' at him but Roman just shook his head, and looked the other way. Dean only got a glimpse of his expression as he grabbed Nikki, and walked her out. It looked like sadness, anger…


Dean held back a tear as he watched Roman leave. He wished he would just look at him once, just once to know that everything was going to be okay between them, that everything had gone to shit. But he didn't even spare him another glance as he held Nikki at the waist and they exited through the double doors together.

Three weeks later.

It dawned on Dean that Roman had been such an essential part of his life… when he was missing out of it. It's been a couple of weeks now, and Dean hasn't heard from him. No calls, texts… not even a glance as Roman played on the field. Dean's been needlessly drawing him even more now. Most of the drawings now included Roman in his bed, smiling at him with the sun shining in the background. He hid them from Cesaro. It just wasn't something he thought he needed to know. Their relationship was stable. They did a lot of making out but Dean still couldn't manage to go all the way with him. '

How could he, when he couldn't even get through a blow job without thinking about another guy?

The sun covered the oak tree today, leaving little shade just under it. Dean was working on another Roman drawing when he saw Roman on the field talking to Randy. They were doing shirts versus skins and unfortunately, Roman was shirts. Still, he managed to make a sun soaked white tee look absolutely amazing. Dean's fingers lingered on the page as he drew small beads of sweat that were visible near his neck. His lip was half sunken into his teeth as he watched him and Randy laugh. He missed that laugh. To think, just three weeks ago, he was laughing while in Dean's bed, so happy and carefree.

And now?

They couldn't even look at each other.

But that didn't stop Dean from thinking about him.

He was in the midst of drawing Roman's intricate tattoo, that went all the way down his arm, when he saw his girlfriend running towards the field. Nikki smiled when she saw him and jumped right into his arms. Roman looked happy to see her. Dean sighed and turned away as they kissed. Those kisses were once savored from his lips. That touch once held by Dean himself. Ugh. He knew it was time to go now. He couldn't bear to see Roman kissing her for much longer. Dean packed up his stuff and put it in his satchel then headed down the hill towards the fields. He had to cross the football field to get to the lacrosse one, where Cesaro was waiting for him. He just hoped he went unnoticed. Randy has been seriously laying on the bullying heavily these past couple of weeks. The trash had become Dean's new best friend now, once Randy and the jocks had the interesting idea to take the garbage can from lunch and dump its entire contents on his head.

The smell of old spaghetti still lingered on Dean for two days.

He kept his head down as he walked pass the jocks fast, trying to make it to his boyfriend before Randy spotted him. He was almost there when he heard someone screaming at him.

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'HEY!' Fuck. Dean stopped in his tracks and slowly he turned around, knowing that he had just been spotted. He looked up, thinking that it was Randy who was going to come and toss him in the dumpster, yet again, but instead it was Roman, running over with something in his hand. Dean didn't want to admit that his heart fluttered as he watched him run up to him, with the sun as his background.

It seriously should be a sin to look as good as he did.

'Ro-Roman?' Dean stuttered as Roman came face to face with him. He hasn't been this close to him in weeks. Cinnamon, vanilla and sweat invaded Dean's nostrils, making him feel all sorts of things he shouldn't be feeling right about now.

'Hey, uh, you dropped this,' Roman handed him the unfinished drawing of himself that Dean was working on a few minutes earlier. It must've fell out of his bag when Dean was speed walking across the field. Their hands grazed as he handed it to Dean, and when they did both Roman and Dean felt tiny sparks before they pulled away. It caused Roman to gulp and Dean to shyly look down. 'Luckily, I picked it up instead of Randy. Be more careful next time okay? Um... have a good day, dude.' Roman turned it away from Dean before Dean could reply to him, and soon he was running down the field, towards Nikki once again.

This was wrong.

Randy knew it was wrong to stalk someone, but uh… he didn't really have any other way of seeing him. Seth went to another school which was in the same building but a different half of it. So every day, after practice Randy would come over to their courtyard and watch him. Seth, apparently was the student body president, and the most well-known kid in school. How he managed to be best friends with a loser like fagbrose was beyond Randy. But there was something about Rollins that interested Randy to the point where he had to know more.

He saw Seth wave to his friend Naomi, then he walked off. So… Randy followed. He kept a good distance from him and when Seth stopped at his locker, Randy hid in the corner and watched him. Seth entered his combination and then opened the red locker, automatically he kissed the picture of him and Cody and then placed his books in. Once he got the right books, he picked up his phone and started texting and laughing at whatever was on his phone.

Randy watched him, curiously. He had a cute smile and a stupid laugh to go with it. Randy smirked as he watched him. He was getting so lost in his smile and his laugh he didn't even notice Seth turn around, stop what he was doing… and look right at him.

'What are you doing?' Seth asked cautiously, as he looked at Randy.

Randy stopped dead in his tracks and froze… not knowing what to say. He had been watching him for weeks now, and he picked today to get lost in his smile and now he was fucking caught. Great. 'Uh… what?'

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'Are you watching me?' Seth slowly starting walking over to him and that's when Randy started to walk backwards down the hall. 'Hello? What the hell are you doing here?' Seth tried to ask him again.

'I uh... I took a wrong turn.' Randy lied easily as he slowly backed away from him. He didn't want this queer to start screaming, then Randy would definitely get in trouble. He had to keep it cool. 'It isn't illegal.'

'Your school is on the other side of the building. So you took a wrong turn, and somehow managed to stop at my locker and watch me?' Seth watched him walk backwards until he reached the wall that separated the corridors. Randy's back hit it, and his eyes widened as he watched Seth walk up to him, now face to face with the jock. 'Are you… stalking me?' Seth asked as he looked up into blue eyes, that looked strangely… frightened.

'Look, I don't stalk fags. Like I said, I took a wrong turn.' Randy tried to play it off.

'Right you don't stalk fags, yet here you are…' Seth said back slowly.

'It isn't what it looks like.' Randy tried to say, but somehow, someway he kept getting lost in those beautiful chocolate eyes. God, he was really hot up close. Keep it together, Orton. He had to tell himself.

'And what does it look like Randall?' Seth asked as he invaded his personal space. Randy started breathing heavily as he and Seth were close, so close that their lips could touch at any moment. Fuck. What was this? 'Cause it looks to me, like you came here, hoping for something. Is it me? Are you hoping that I'd see you…' Seth placed his hands on Randy's shirt then slowly they ran down the front of his body, making Randy release a harsh breath, 'And that I'd be so moved by your presence, that I would get on my knees and suck your fat cock into my mouth?'

Randy said nothing, but he didn't pull Seth's hands off of him either. His stared deep into his eyes, waiting for Seth's hands to move down his body, but instead, Seth just laughed in his face, then pulled away from him.

'Wow.' Seth giggled as he crossed his arms, looking down at Randy's dick. He was completely hard, and it was straining against his jeans. It only made Seth laugh more. 'So I guess it does take one to know one huh, Randall?'

Randy was embarrassed. He looked down at his dick, and cupped it so Seth couldn't see. He couldn't believe this fucking queer just made him hard. Seth was laughing then he turned to walk away but Randy wasn't done. No way was he going to let some queer humiliate him in school. He grabbed Seth by his arm and pushed him hard into the locker. Seth's back hit it hard, making him whimper from intense contact. Randy was on him, one hand around Seth's neck as he held him against the locker.

'I swear to god…' Randy was ready to threaten him but as he looked into Seth's eyes he could see the fear in them. He's never noticed it before in the kids he bullied. Seth was losing oxygen from the way Randy had his hands around his neck, and he kept hitting Randy, trying to get him to pull off. Randy shook his head, and gently he pulled away from him, shaking his head. 'I'm sorry… I...'

'Fuck you!' Seth said as he pushed him hard, 'Fuck you, you closeted son of a bitch!'

Randy watched the tears fall down's Seth's face before the younger boy ran off down the corridor.


For the first time in Randy's life he knew…

He shouldn't of done that.

'REIGNS! MY OFFICE!' Coach Helmsley shouted to Roman from the lockers.

Roman sighed, placed his gym bag over him then walked towards the coach's office. He knew he didn't have good news for him. He always calls him back his last name when he has bad news. He came in, and sat down across from him, and placed his bag on the ground.

'You wanted to see me coach?' Roman asked in a tired yet monotone.

'Yeah look, you know I'm not gonna sugar coat this for you,' Coach Helmsley pulled out a sheet a paper then read off of it, 'You're getting a D in Trigonometry. The school wants me to cut you from the team so you can focus on getting your grade up. But I pulled a few strings cause honestly, you're the best we got and I can't lose you now this close to the championship game, so here…' He handed Roman the paper he was reading and Roman picked it up, to see a list of names on there.

'There are four math tutors in the school. Emile Chang, Erick Rowan, Dean Ambrose and Jason Jordan. You pick one of those and ace this next test Reigns… or I'll be forced to cut you from the team.'

Roman really didn't hear anything he was saying after he saw Dean's name on the paper. They haven't spoken in weeks, unless you count that small moment on the field today. Roman tried not to think about him in weeks past, but it was hard not too when he was invading his thoughts ever so often. Especially when Nikki gave him a blow job. Ugh. Dean tutoring him would be distracting, especially because of those perfect blue eyes and those lips, that smile, his laugh. But Roman knew he couldn't have him. He was a fool to think he could be with a guy. He was straight. He told himself in the mirror every morning. So this shouldn't be a problem. Plus, he felt way more comfortable with Dean than any other person on that list. So it was a no brainer. Roman made his choice.

'Reigns!' The coach snapped his fingers at him, 'Did you pick one?'

'Uh yeah sorry coach um… I guess I pick Dean Ambrose.' Roman said slowly. 'Is that okay?'

The coach smiled and nodded, 'Of course it is. I'll let the principal and your Trig teacher know. Thanks for being proactive about this Roman. You're a good kid.'

Roman nodded, picked up his bag then got up out of the seat. 'Thanks coach, uh… I'll see you later.'

Roman left after that, and as he was exiting he couldn't help but to think he might've made the wrong decision. You can do this. He had to tell himself.

You're straight and everything will be fine.

At least that's what he hoped.

After school was over, he saw Dean in the parking lot by Cesaro's car. He kept looking at his watch, then looking around, obviously waiting for his… whatever he and Cesaro were. That wasn't any of Roman's business. At least… not anymore. Roman placed his bag over him, and then slowly walked over until he was right in front of Dean.

'Hey,' Roman said softly.

'Roman,' Dean looked shocked to see him, 'Hey, uh… what's up?'

'So uh, I don't know if the principal told you or not yet but uh… the school assigned you as my math tutor. Apparently I'm failing Trig.' Roman shrugged, as he placed his hands deep into his Adidas sweatpants. 'Crazy right?'

Dean furrowed his brows at this new information he was getting, he thought Roman wanted nothing to do with him, and now… this? It was confusing. 'The school doesn't assign tutors. They give you a list and you pick one you deem fit. So… what you're really saying is… you chose me.'

A blush stained Roman's cheeks as he got caught. He looked down at his shoes and then nodded, embarrassingly, 'You got me. I chose you. But look, it's not for anything like you may think.' Dean made a suspicious face back at him, 'Don't look at me like that. Honestly I really need a tutor or I get kicked off the team and the semifinals are coming up and my team needs me.'

'Roman, I don't know….' Dean was hesitant. 'Do you think that's a good idea?'

'I do,' He nodded, 'Honestly, I got the message three weeks ago. You said you said you didn't want me I've left you alone have I not?'

Dean slowly nodded at him.

'So you can trust me. I was acting crazy a few weeks ago. I never kissed the same sex before and even though you're a really good kisser, it was honestly, just impulsive emotions. I promise, I'm straight, okay? I have a girlfriend and I love her and I apologize for ever being inappropriate with you. Now will you please be my tutor?'

Dean's heart broke a little as he heard Roman say he was straight and that whatever it was between them was an impulse of emotions. He was apologizing, and those gray eyes hid a certain sadness in them. Dean had no idea why Roman saying he was straight physically hurt him… but it did. It couldn't help but to feel guilty. He pushed him away because Dean didn't want to be the test run to his sexuality but in turn, he didn't realize what that may have did to Roman emotionally.

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'Okay, I'll be your tutor. My house every Thursday until the test sound good?'

Roman smiled triumphantly, 'How about mine? You can wait for me after practice and I'll drive us there. I work better in my own space.'

Dean nodded, agreeing with him, 'That's fine. I guess I'll see you on Thursday.'

Roman was about to reply, and tell him thank you but before the words came out of his mouth, Dean's boyfriend came up behind him, and kissed his cheek. He saw Dean smile and turn around so happy to see him. Roman looked down, trying not to let that feeling of jealousy over take him as he watched them kiss, and Dean smile happily into it.

Cesaro looked up at Roman, and then back at Dean as he pulled his lips away from him. 'Is everything okay here?' He asked as he looked between Dean and Roman.

'Yeah.' Roman nodded, 'I was just thanking Dean for agreeing to be my tutor.' He looked at Dean as he said it, and Dean looked back at him with the same expression. 'I'll see you Thursday, Dean.' Roman and Dean's eyes stayed on each other until Roman turned and walked away.

Dean watched him go, trying to ignore the pang in his chest he felt as he realized…

He broke Roman's heart.

A/N: Jupiter's cock I hate this chapter, but hopefully you guys don't! So we realized that Roman's reverting back into something he's definitely not, Randy is a stalker and crazy as fuck, and even when they don't talk, Dean's thinking about Roman and Roman's thinking about Dean! Also do you think Roman making Dean his tutor is a good or bad idea? – Melle.